Keapje ferkeapje Bitcoin (BTC). Makelders foar hannel Bitcoin


keapje/ferkeapje Bitcoin

Keapje ferkeapje Bitcoin (BTC). Makelders foar hannel Bitcoin

Hannelje Bitcoin (BTC) en oare Krypto-munten mei ien fan 'e bêste Krypto-makelders yn ús top. Seleksje fan in muntmakelaar, d'r binne allinich betroubere bedriuwen mei kwaliteitsservice

Bitcoin (BTC) price chart, [1 week]


Ynvestearringen yn krypto-munten (bygelyks Bitcoin) binne tsjintwurdich heul populêr. Prizen fan Krypto-faluta groeie stadichoan en hieltyd mear minsken komme alle dagen nei de kryptomarkten om de kâns net te missen om jild te meitsjen op 'e opkomst of fal fan' e priis fan Krypto-munten.

Hannelje Bitcoin en oare populêre Krypto-munten mei de foardielen fan leverage mei de bêste BTC makelders.

List of all exchanges for BTC trading 

krypto-útwikseling folume 1h, USD folume 1d, USD folume 1m, USD nei webside
KrakenKraken 90,353,992.26 3,194,313,389.4 69,601,180,496.36 iepen
BinanceBinance 502,824,167.29 9,090,068,510.83 188,021,668,265.13 iepen
Coinbase ProCoinbase Pro 78,884,758.77 1,478,102,740.34 22,867,148,390.71 iepen
bitFlyerbitFlyer - - - iepen
BITHUMBBITHUMB 5,513,327.62 194,320,155.65 3,746,650,476.72 iepen
coinonecoinone 1,264,082.99 42,437,435.2 732,535,158.36 iepen
GeminiGemini 2,463,829.41 83,701,125 2,274,562,528.5 iepen
HuobiHuobi - - - iepen
OKCoin CNYOKCoin CNY - - - iepen
BittrexBittrex 146,814.79 3,073,349,378.36 41,831,266,224,903.31 iepen
Huobi GlobalHuobi Global 1,005,400,507.9 10,817,681,562.41 1,360,101,686,184.9 iepen
OKCoin USDOKCoin USD 4,091.13 176,935.47 291,883,001,246.92 iepen
OKExOKEx 2,380,445,668.47 39,517,338,303.71 1,612,989,626,930.74 iepen
HitBTCHitBTC 19,791,120.51 484,138,429.18 15,830,480,116.63 iepen
BitMEXBitMEX 14,329,036,905,492.24 197,403,901,713,689.7 2,054,120,513,659,246.5 iepen
KucoinKucoin 49,187,724.63 33,734,801,998.95 335,758,426,170.95 iepen
Bitstamp Ltd.Bitstamp Ltd. 10,197,977.42 253,571,571.91 4,223,971,605.89 iepen
BitfinexBitfinex 47,433,631.32 570,925,519.85 12,093,006,594.9 iepen
itBititBit - - - iepen
DeribitDeribit 30,235,002,706.06 337,085,270,147.27 15,634,914,333,459.94 iepen
ZondaZonda 74,353.37 4,367,998.86 53,941,880.4 iepen
UPbit KoreaUPbit Korea 12,981,098.14 623,548,363.3 12,724,526,476.89 iepen
BiboxBibox - - - iepen
CryptopiaCryptopia - - - iepen
coincheckcoincheck - - - iepen
LiquiLiqui - - - iepen
EXMOEXMO 1,300,725.77 34,765,831.99 1,069,026,539.78 iepen
CHBTCCHBTC - - - iepen
JubiJubi - - - iepen
ZaifZaif 183,300.46 13,424,105.7 131,955,350.2 iepen
KorbitKorbit - - - iepen
BTC38BTC38 - - - iepen
mtgoxmtgox - - - iepen
LakeBTCLakeBTC - - - iepen
BleutradeBleutrade - - - iepen
IndodaxIndodax 61,341.74 1,672,216.47 30,219,455.69 iepen
TidexTidex - - 599,973,579.58 iepen
ACXACX - - - iepen
BitsoBitso 753,339.9 33,762,854.45 738,087,388.92 iepen
LiveCoinLiveCoin - - - iepen
MixCoinsMixCoins - - - iepen
BirWoXBirWoX - - - iepen
BterBter - - - iepen
Mercado BitcoinMercado Bitcoin 147,200.36 3,306,381.85 49,769,880.25 iepen
CoinnestCoinnest - - - iepen
CEX.IOCEX.IO 108,325.55 3,655,384.99 61,900,913.08 iepen
The Rock Trading LTD.The Rock Trading LTD. - - - iepen
c-cexc-cex - - - iepen
BitYesBitYes - - - iepen
QuadrigaCXQuadrigaCX - - - iepen
BitMarketBitMarket - - - iepen
LunoLuno 476,668.87 7,109,147.56 132,049,996.55 iepen
BTC Markets Pty Ltd.BTC Markets Pty Ltd. 111,512.67 4,763,262.88 87,629,217.86 iepen
VaultoroVaultoro - - - iepen
BtcBoxBtcBox 526,905.66 13,636,704.02 429,976,542.86 iepen
GatecoinGatecoin - - - iepen
GetBTCGetBTC - - - iepen
AllcoinAllcoin - - - iepen
Coin MateCoin Mate 34,930.03 1,709,950.76 32,490,303.12 iepen
Independent ReserveIndependent Reserve 393,178.93 6,817,605.86 138,472,323.92 iepen
DSXDSX - - - iepen
coinfloorcoinfloor - - - iepen
AbucoinsAbucoins - - - iepen
SouthXchangeSouthXchange 5,259,309.71 33,660,999,752.71 20,971,352,852,389,970 iepen
BTC Trade UABTC Trade UA - - - iepen
Kraken FuturesKraken Futures 2,739,765 48,573,498 790,383,965 iepen - - - iepen - - - iepen
KunaKuna - - - iepen
BraziliexBraziliex - - - iepen
Bit2CBit2C - - - iepen
FYB-SGFYB-SG - - - iepen
YUNBIYUNBI - - - iepen
BitKonanBitKonan - - - iepen
FYB-SEFYB-SE - - - iepen
BTCCBTCC - - - iepen
CoingiCoingi 33,408.29 210,153.08 3,291,290.38 iepen
NovaexchangeNovaexchange - - - iepen
1Btcxe1Btcxe - - - iepen
VBTC.VNVBTC.VN - - - iepen
CoinsecureCoinsecure - - - iepen
FoxbitFoxbit - - - iepen
TOPBTCTOPBTC - - - iepen
ZBZB - - - iepen
WazirXWazirX 64,463.08 1,644,688.63 33,818,560.43 iepen
FiscoFisco - - - iepen
SistemkoinSistemkoin - - - iepen
IDCMIDCM - - - iepen
BgogoBgogo - - 12,616.25 iepen
BitsaneBitsane - - - iepen
Satang ProSatang Pro - - - iepen
FreiExchangeFreiExchange - - - iepen
StrongholdStronghold - - - iepen
BitmaxBitmax 1,944,631,440.37 17,968,911,810.15 9,483,205,430,572,956 iepen
Waves Decentralized ExchangeWaves Decentralized Exchange - - - iepen
TokTokTokTok - - - iepen
55 Global Markets55 Global Markets - - - iepen
BitibuBitibu - - - iepen
InfinityCoin ExchangeInfinityCoin Exchange - - - iepen
CoinFalconCoinFalcon - - - iepen
CoinsquareCoinsquare - - - iepen
GOPAXGOPAX - - - iepen
Heat WalletHeat Wallet - - - iepen
GraviexGraviex 109.89 136,767,202,443 403,601,626,471,669,500 iepen
FatBTCFatBTC - - - iepen
bitFlyer LightningbitFlyer Lightning 5,165,206.39 121,225,725.59 2,019,774,576.8 iepen
STEXSTEX - - - iepen
CryptoBridgeCryptoBridge - - - iepen
BitbankBitbank 1,898,792.03 66,204,332.73 1,221,150,150.91 iepen
CoinMexCoinMex - - - iepen
NeraexNeraex - - - iepen
AidosMarketAidosMarket - - - iepen
BITKERBITKER - - - iepen
Coins ProCoins Pro - - - iepen
MODIAXMODIAX - - - iepen
LXDXLXDX - - - iepen
iCE3XiCE3X - - - iepen
ezBtcezBtc - - - iepen
CoinJarCoinJar - - - iepen
DragonEXDragonEX - - - iepen
BudaBuda - - - iepen
EthfinexEthfinex - - - iepen
EXXEXX - - - iepen
LocalTradeLocalTrade 71,004,449.93 1,493,092,412.2 41,020,439,266.05 iepen
BithesapBithesap - - - iepen
CashierestCashierest - - - iepen
BHEXBHEX - - - iepen
TidebitTidebit - 59,250.24 685,357.4 iepen
BigONEBigONE 30,223,741.45 695,329,874.08 31,059,033,373.06 iepen
XS2XS2 - - - iepen
GatehubGatehub - - - iepen
KryptonoKryptono - - - iepen
YunExYunEx - - - iepen
Instant BitexInstant Bitex - - - iepen
CryptalDashCryptalDash - - - iepen
CryptoMarketCryptoMarket - - - iepen
FCoinFCoin - - - iepen
BWBW - - 46,397.76 iepen
CRXzoneCRXzone - - - iepen
GDACGDAC 108,155.8 2,633,610.61 81,860,941.92 iepen
BisqBisq - - - iepen
OceanExOceanEx 1,207,664.52 31,822,959.27 822,310,668.94 iepen
ExtStockExtStock - - - iepen
LykkeLykke 215.76 225,953.23 11,392,005.93 iepen
GuldenTraderGuldenTrader - - - iepen
BitcoinTradeBitcoinTrade - - - iepen
Huobi DMHuobi DM 1,779,467,495.87 23,484,196,110.89 483,887,976,359.2 iepen
C-PatexC-Patex - - - iepen
CryptomateCryptomate - - - iepen
CryptonCrypton - - - iepen
CoinallCoinall - - - iepen
BitkubBitkub 539,105,730.9 42,606,882,685.85 869,936,712,600.01 iepen
ZebpayZebpay - - - iepen
CHAOEXCHAOEX - - - iepen
CoinhubCoinhub - - - iepen
CoinsbitCoinsbit 648,178,048.61 19,936,505,926.9 1,162,185,796,838.48 iepen
ANXProANXPro - - - iepen
BTC-AlphaBTC-Alpha - - - iepen
UEXUEX - - - iepen
Xena ExchangeXena Exchange - - - iepen
CoinrateCoinrate - - - iepen - - - iepen
DigiFinexDigiFinex 1,297,889,598.74 35,576,044,616.3 1,263,421,715,269.09 iepen
Cat.ExCat.Ex 305,782.14 7,376,954.94 1,555,197,390.5 iepen
CoinlimCoinlim - - - iepen
LATOKENLATOKEN 1,346,170.31 40,065,522.93 22,467,500,059,962.35 iepen
DcoinDcoin - - - iepen
COSSCOSS - - - iepen
BitinkaBitinka - - - iepen
ISXISX - - - iepen
TokenomyTokenomy - - - iepen
CoinsBankCoinsBank - - - iepen
KoinimKoinim - - - iepen
Negocie CoinsNegocie Coins - - - iepen
StellarportStellarport - - - iepen
DOBIDOBI - - - iepen
CoinCornerCoinCorner - - - iepen
TradeOgreTradeOgre 19,461,201,603.13 466,074,671,818.39 187,165,175,250,258,700,000 iepen
IDAXIDAX - - - iepen
CoinBeneCoinBene - - - iepen
HadaxHadax - - - iepen
SeedCXSeedCX - - - iepen
LBankLBank 1,299,655,579,933.51 46,787,602,132,944.59 2,877,357,285,931,114 iepen
AllbitAllbit - - - iepen
C2CXC2CX - - - iepen
xBTCexBTCe - - - iepen
CoinSpotCoinSpot - - - iepen
CPDAXCPDAX - - - iepen
CoinZestCoinZest - - - iepen
CryptonexCryptonex - - - iepen
CoinPlaceCoinPlace - - - iepen
Binance JerseyBinance Jersey - - - iepen
VebitcoinVebitcoin - - - iepen
BitrabbitBitrabbit - - - iepen
KoineksKoineks - - - iepen
BitMartBitMart - - 49,613,395,428,461,970 iepen
Trade SatoshiTrade Satoshi - - - iepen
CoinTigerCoinTiger - - - iepen
ExratesExrates - - - iepen - - - iepen
BBXBBX - - - iepen
CoinutCoinut 1,455.03 54,119.04 4,807,534.21 iepen
CoindealCoindeal - - - iepen
CryptologyCryptology 2,954,244.13 49,054,188.01 988,186,833.43 iepen
ABCCABCC - - - iepen
RfinexRfinex - - - iepen
BitbnsBitbns - - - iepen - - - iepen
BitShares Asset ExchangeBitShares Asset Exchange - - - iepen
BCEXBCEX - - - iepen
SIMEXSIMEX - - - iepen
Crex24Crex24 - - - iepen
BitrueBitrue - - - iepen
BitForexBitForex 638,607,939,775.57 13,071,274,584,754.07 569,912,082,923,981.9 iepen
BTC-eBTC-e - - - iepen
YObitYObit 115,914,238,901.84 3,519,561,319,214.73 7,536,488,398,464.74 iepen 26,476,452,860,590,824 649,168,688,929,442,600 19,254,978,731,058,377,000 iepen
BX ThailandBX Thailand - - - iepen
BitlishBitlish - - - iepen
IndodaxIndodax 136,607.57 10,506,027,800,979,844 1,017,454,926,642,614,100 iepen
Bit-ZBit-Z - - - iepen
ZBGZBG - - - iepen
BilaxyBilaxy - - - iepen
WexNzWexNz - - - iepen

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Bitcoin #1
rank munt priis $ market cap $ volume 24h $ % 24h % 7d
1 105234.79 2,085,443,691,386 52,628,108,491 2.93 2.81
2 3193.32 384,847,116,263 24,179,792,227 2.08 -0.59
3 1.00 139,408,874,081 100,616,627,106 0.03 0.06
4 677.74 96,565,355,784 1,700,255,037 0.34 -1.25
5 1.00 52,619,142,920 9,467,398,498 0 0
6 3.11 179,526,144,989 7,064,435,448 0.16 -0.75
7 0.95765 33,695,632,004 824,313,358 1.79 -1.28
8 0.33160 49,021,837,031 2,001,559,769 1.35 -5.87
9 0.24521 21,119,405,324 636,726,613 1.3 -1.34
11 0.40464 774,402,855 7,780,048 1.67 -7.07
12 125.59 9,478,896,270 1,041,751,878 10.72 10.71
13 5.94 9,164,461,805 231,494,515 2.73 -6.39
14 4.93 12,277,347,833 137,074,432 1.82 -4.85
15 1.00 5,366,174,596 197,987,232 0.01 0.02
16 1.00 60,536,078 4,332,261 0.05 0.09
17 104876.17 13,560,569,102 358,634,347 2.96 2.57
18 0.0000186 10,970,080,329 336,219,981 1.86 -6.86
19 33.72 13,880,714,171 406,468,878 1.94 -5.73
21 0.99860 494,820,296 62,430,167 0.04 0.02
22 6.04 2,359,296,440 162,860,534 3.71 0.47
23 24.33 15,526,839,115 773,210,449 4.94 -1.5
24 12.09 7,258,413,664 401,082,674 3.46 -4.71
25 55.46 3,327,852,534 5,896,774 3.05 2.6
26 234.32 4,322,471,171 86,281,904 5 3.44
27 26.13 3,933,096,692 148,222,164 2.7 -3.03
28 0.40236 12,287,602,517 345,975,611 0.86 -4.65
29 428.71 8,498,039,443 290,909,964 3.17 -0.68
30 8.90 4,272,345,417 102,770,944 2.87 -2
31 4.66 2,917,087,367 161,143,300 3.62 -5.66
32 1.93 1,728,503,163 171,744,711 5.37 6.68
33 0.31749 12,149,636,662 446,446,514 3.97 -0.19
34 7.55 4,330,544,347 261,834,859 1.78 -9.67
35 106.66 1,287,624,194 39,161,512 6.81 -0.97
36 0.13133 3,489,714,011 25,803,223 1.84 -4.1
38 4.54 5,342,435,998 220,212,092 2.73 -9.3
39 0.04494 3,639,244,853 78,468,871 3.55 -5.13
41 0.17513 1,672,257,180 74,617,349 3.02 -7.93
42 0.37801 3,175,797,198 164,063,197 2.01 -4.72
43 8.22 173,195,138 13,412,542 4.33 -8.78
44 1.29 1,942,329,179 46,515,978 2.16 -7.06
45 28.75 799,707,249 33,189,514 2.76 -5.64
46 0.94974 714,825,525 96,919,876 4.21 -4.38
48 0.69900 1,959,733,875 78,825,344 -0.59 -14.58
49 1.48 2,001,074,883 203,303,104 3.37 -12.38
50 302.20 4,548,990,193 482,233,942 1.79 -10.25
51 5.69 2,944,062,361 146,482,636 -1.56 -17.7
52 0.99584 741,161,473 3,694,814 -0.05 -0.15
53 0.52860 1,292,887,523 143,459,260 1.85 -4.02
54 13.98 1,715,045,830 4,268,843 4.15 23.19
55 0.76277 1,177,198,510 126,984,171 3.11 -2.56
56 1.09 1,121,733,491 36,333,102 1.97 -5.93
57 1128.89 1,000,998,296 94,054,110 -0.34 -8.65
58 1.98 1,978,530,427 29,231,755 5.61 -1.2
59 0.44043 855,424,331 87,623,254 1.57 -6.43
60 5.25 829,766,170 63,540,602 1.51 -10.01
61 1.11 1,935,175,940 47,749,784 1.99 -5.87
62 0.15609 753,801,909 62,571,486 7.56 4.15
63 1.00 57,621,513 2,369,390 -0.05 0.04
65 0.0000769 423,185,017 18,983,959 2.17 -7.11
66 0.73924 943,066,424 193,802,281 6.35 -3.18
67 0.03006 1,108,149,430 166,222,953 4.91 -7.41
68 19.07 1,887,191,828 119,412,496 3.95 -8.45
69 2765.86 559,757,332 16,987,865 0 0.44
70 49.36 978,215,573 53,426,967 1.53 -3.12
72 0.19257 0 239,944 1.55 -6.87
73 0.63529 991,553,673 38,310,089 2.43 -6.17
74 0.06743 632,030,244 56,134,650 2.92 -9.81
76 0.11083 1,654,997,514 61,053,354 1.79 -9.5
78 0.01396 178,690,165 6,323,579 -0.91 2.02
79 0.30127 1,088,260,877 44,738,843 4.84 -4.35
80 0.42388 458,997,010 36,001,283 0.8 -9.99
81 20.89 207,829,139 14,315,580 2.52 -6.34
82 0.86796 140,811,686 132,167 6.03 -13.99
83 44.31 723,450,592 102,406,458 4.38 -7.02
84 2.50 218,729,222 22,917,955 4.45 -7.75
86 0.0000320 633,953,647 36,502,650 2.49 -2.56
87 24.76 2,197,055,429 21,870,037 0.4 8.47
88 0.46393 562,004,384 32,314,648 2.13 -6.33
90 33.26 403,314,238 52,366,849 5.45 -5.03
91 1.45 937,758,010 11,594,204 1.33 8.51
92 0.15917 296,572,032 39,602,028 2.84 -10.11
93 1.98 574,808,573 44,493,737 2.3 -6.54
94 2.24 224,020,415 48,834,060 3.66 -6.18
95 0.16570 226,486,928 16,292,957 4.42 -3.02
97 0.01838 357,770,413 23,036,967 1.11 -6.08
98 211.76 547,876,028 4,816,044 2.45 -6.18
99 0.02454 1,401,883,845 12,446,627 2.68 -10.21
100 3.11 304,767,524 21,935,190 2.34 -11.56
101 1.04 224,188,160 48,410,062 2.25 -9.36
102 0.44123 0 161,317 2.83 -17.58
103 0.05959 420,961,516 30,008,476 1.06 -9.43
104 0.14984 269,991,520 28,354,929 4.69 -8.6
105 0.30514 426,832,523 25,539,569 0.83 -4.96
106 0.21861 326,964,784 21,353,884 3.34 -3.6
107 0.18213 395,584,288 35,358,242 2.12 -6.21
108 3.78 359,077,551 42,867,748 0.6 1.27
109 0.39244 277,787,786 9,471,377 1.96 -4.55
110 17.37 242,409,006 7,693,840 0.3 -8.98
111 0.02297 206,700,192 23,161,366 0.9 -2.96

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