Ceannaich / reic USD Coin (USDC). Brocairean airson malairt USD Coin


ceannaich/reic USD Coin

Ceannaich / reic USD Coin (USDC). Brocairean airson malairt USD Coin

Malairt USD Coin (USDC) agus cryptocurrencies eile le aon de na brocairean crypto as fheàrr anns a ’mhullach againn. A ’taghadh broker coin, chan eil ann ach companaidhean earbsach le seirbheis càileachd

USD Coin (USDC) price chart, [1 week]

USD Coin

Tha tasgaidhean ann an cryptocurrencies (mar eisimpleir USD Coin) mòr-chòrdte an-diugh. Tha prìsean cryptocurrency a ’sìor fhàs agus bidh barrachd is barrachd dhaoine a’ tighinn chun mhargaidhean crypto a h-uile latha gus nach caill iad an cothrom airgead a dhèanamh air àrdachadh no tuiteam prìs cryptocurrencies.

Malairt USD Coin agus cryptocurrencies mòr-chòrdte eile le buannachdan luamhain leis na brocairean USDC as fheàrr.

List of all exchanges for USDC trading 

iomlaid crypto toirt 1h, USD toirt 1d, USD toirt 1m, USD gu làrach-lìn
KrakenKraken 90,353,992.26 3,194,313,389.4 69,601,180,496.36 fosgailte
BinanceBinance 502,824,167.29 9,090,068,510.83 188,021,668,265.13 fosgailte
Coinbase ProCoinbase Pro 78,884,758.77 1,478,102,740.34 22,867,148,390.71 fosgailte
BITHUMBBITHUMB 5,513,327.62 194,320,155.65 3,746,650,476.72 fosgailte
GeminiGemini 2,463,829.41 83,701,125 2,274,562,528.5 fosgailte
HuobiHuobi - - - fosgailte
BittrexBittrex 146,814.79 3,073,349,378.36 41,831,266,224,903.31 fosgailte
POLONIEXPOLONIEX - - - fosgailte
Huobi GlobalHuobi Global 1,005,400,507.9 10,817,681,562.41 1,360,101,686,184.9 fosgailte
OKCoin USDOKCoin USD 4,091.13 176,935.47 291,883,001,246.92 fosgailte
OKExOKEx 2,380,445,668.47 39,517,338,303.71 1,612,989,626,930.74 fosgailte
HitBTCHitBTC 19,791,120.51 484,138,429.18 15,830,480,116.63 fosgailte
BitMEXBitMEX 14,329,036,905,492.24 197,403,901,713,689.7 2,054,120,513,659,246.5 fosgailte
KucoinKucoin 49,187,724.63 33,734,801,998.95 335,758,426,170.95 fosgailte
Bitstamp Ltd.Bitstamp Ltd. 10,197,977.42 253,571,571.91 4,223,971,605.89 fosgailte
DeribitDeribit 30,235,002,706.06 337,085,270,147.27 15,634,914,333,459.94 fosgailte
ZondaZonda 74,353.37 4,367,998.86 53,941,880.4 fosgailte
UPbit KoreaUPbit Korea 12,981,098.14 623,548,363.3 12,724,526,476.89 fosgailte
BiboxBibox - - - fosgailte
EXMOEXMO 1,300,725.77 34,765,831.99 1,069,026,539.78 fosgailte
KorbitKorbit - - - fosgailte
BleutradeBleutrade - - - fosgailte
TidexTidex - - 599,973,579.58 fosgailte
LiveCoinLiveCoin - - - fosgailte
Mercado BitcoinMercado Bitcoin 147,200.36 3,306,381.85 49,769,880.25 fosgailte
CEX.IOCEX.IO 108,325.55 3,655,384.99 61,900,913.08 fosgailte
The Rock Trading LTD.The Rock Trading LTD. - - - fosgailte
Independent ReserveIndependent Reserve 393,178.93 6,817,605.86 138,472,323.92 fosgailte
DSXDSX - - - fosgailte
SouthXchangeSouthXchange 5,259,309.71 33,660,999,752.71 20,971,352,852,389,970 fosgailte
BTC Trade UABTC Trade UA - - - fosgailte
Kraken FuturesKraken Futures 2,739,765 48,573,498 790,383,965 fosgailte
ZBZB - - - fosgailte
Switcheo NetworkSwitcheo Network - - - fosgailte
WazirXWazirX 64,463.08 1,644,688.63 33,818,560.43 fosgailte
SistemkoinSistemkoin - - - fosgailte
DDEXDDEX - - - fosgailte
BitsaneBitsane - - - fosgailte
BitmaxBitmax 1,944,631,440.37 17,968,911,810.15 9,483,205,430,572,956 fosgailte
TokTokTokTok - - - fosgailte
Kyber NetworkKyber Network - - - fosgailte
GraviexGraviex 109.89 136,767,202,443 403,601,626,471,669,500 fosgailte
STEXSTEX - - - fosgailte
Coins ProCoins Pro - - - fosgailte
CoinJarCoinJar - - - fosgailte
BudaBuda - - - fosgailte
LocalTradeLocalTrade 71,004,449.93 1,493,092,412.2 41,020,439,266.05 fosgailte
BHEXBHEX - - - fosgailte
TidebitTidebit - 59,250.24 685,357.4 fosgailte
BigONEBigONE 30,223,741.45 695,329,874.08 31,059,033,373.06 fosgailte
XS2XS2 - - - fosgailte
Instant BitexInstant Bitex - - - fosgailte
CryptoMarketCryptoMarket - - - fosgailte
FCoinFCoin - - - fosgailte
MERCATOXMERCATOX - - - fosgailte
GDACGDAC 108,155.8 2,633,610.61 81,860,941.92 fosgailte
BisqBisq - - - fosgailte
OceanExOceanEx 1,207,664.52 31,822,959.27 822,310,668.94 fosgailte
LykkeLykke 215.76 225,953.23 11,392,005.93 fosgailte
BitcoinTradeBitcoinTrade - - - fosgailte
C-PatexC-Patex - - - fosgailte
CryptomateCryptomate - - - fosgailte
CoinallCoinall - - - fosgailte
BitkubBitkub 539,105,730.9 42,606,882,685.85 869,936,712,600.01 fosgailte
ZebpayZebpay - - - fosgailte
CoinhubCoinhub - - - fosgailte
CoinsbitCoinsbit 648,178,048.61 19,936,505,926.9 1,162,185,796,838.48 fosgailte
BTC-AlphaBTC-Alpha - - - fosgailte
DigiFinexDigiFinex 1,297,889,598.74 35,576,044,616.3 1,263,421,715,269.09 fosgailte
LATOKENLATOKEN 1,346,170.31 40,065,522.93 22,467,500,059,962.35 fosgailte
DcoinDcoin - - - fosgailte
COSSCOSS - - - fosgailte
BitinkaBitinka - - - fosgailte
TokenomyTokenomy - - - fosgailte
TradeOgreTradeOgre 19,461,201,603.13 466,074,671,818.39 187,165,175,250,258,700,000 fosgailte
HadaxHadax - - - fosgailte
SeedCXSeedCX - - - fosgailte
LBankLBank 1,299,655,579,933.51 46,787,602,132,944.59 2,877,357,285,931,114 fosgailte
CoinPlaceCoinPlace - - - fosgailte
BitrabbitBitrabbit - - - fosgailte
BitMartBitMart - - 49,613,395,428,461,970 fosgailte
Trade SatoshiTrade Satoshi - - - fosgailte
Radar RelayRadar Relay - - - fosgailte
ExratesExrates - - - fosgailte
CryptologyCryptology 2,954,244.13 49,054,188.01 988,186,833.43 fosgailte
ABCCABCC - - - fosgailte
Bitex.laBitex.la - - - fosgailte
SIMEXSIMEX - - - fosgailte
Crex24Crex24 - - - fosgailte
BitrueBitrue - - - fosgailte
BitForexBitForex 638,607,939,775.57 13,071,274,584,754.07 569,912,082,923,981.9 fosgailte
YObitYObit 115,914,238,901.84 3,519,561,319,214.73 7,536,488,398,464.74 fosgailte
Gate.ioGate.io 26,476,452,860,590,824 649,168,688,929,442,600 19,254,978,731,058,377,000 fosgailte
Token StoreToken Store - - - fosgailte
IndodaxIndodax 136,607.57 10,506,027,800,979,844 1,017,454,926,642,614,100 fosgailte
ZBGZBG - - - fosgailte
BilaxyBilaxy - - - fosgailte

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USD Coin #5
rank bonn prìs $ market cap $ volume 24h $ % 24h % 7d
1 102358.85 2,028,344,870,087 84,286,396,741 1.43 0.01
2 3192.61 384,747,834,227 36,122,950,735 0.86 -1.88
3 0.99993 139,447,294,397 153,342,429,841 0.06 0.12
4 679.84 96,864,467,249 2,164,559,841 3.39 -0.07
5 1 52,322,378,904 13,097,573,679 0.01 -0.02
6 3.05 176,073,705,925 15,332,579,910 2.73 -1.71
7 0.93576 32,920,092,991 1,268,839,218 1.79 -5.78
8 0.33408 49,379,278,072 4,061,196,300 2.22 -3.44
9 0.24648 21,229,692,918 999,084,574 2.01 4.2
11 0.41297 790,334,182 9,241,343 -1.78 -4.73
12 115.37 8,706,765,645 968,059,302 1.69 -0.3
13 5.94 9,162,525,248 381,446,293 0.1 -5.03
14 4.99 12,433,467,124 232,132,760 3.4 -0.72
15 1.00 5,366,549,243 279,508,211 0.02 0.04
16 1.00 60,517,671 8,006,299 0.07 0.05
17 101960.65 13,183,590,931 480,131,168 1.04 -0.13
18 0.0000191 11,257,506,099 539,638,004 3.5 -4.56
19 34.00 13,994,475,194 632,563,966 -2.95 -3.56
21 0.99888 494,959,797 69,802,505 0.09 0.18
22 5.96 2,329,228,665 210,881,060 1.2 -0.16
23 24.25 15,473,318,027 1,094,198,871 1.87 -0.9
24 10.92 6,557,045,654 337,460,141 -1.35 -18.28
25 53.60 3,216,295,589 10,138,945 0.83 -10.22
26 215.85 3,981,638,006 72,430,425 -1.74 5.69
27 25.79 3,882,067,320 239,630,433 -0.2 1.7
28 0.40405 12,331,548,216 639,547,697 2.92 -8.17
29 426.82 8,460,167,052 388,607,952 2.71 0.01
30 8.92 4,283,798,945 186,071,645 3.87 -6.42
31 4.66 2,911,992,401 315,406,636 -0.36 -6.5
32 1.92 1,723,025,742 279,655,436 -5.21 9.44
33 0.31217 11,945,888,574 680,116,182 -0.96 -6.97
34 7.63 4,371,254,022 347,248,216 3.66 -9.05
35 101.04 1,219,825,250 39,338,877 -2.86 -3
36 0.13080 3,475,601,017 36,316,153 -0.01 0.38
38 4.61 5,432,525,736 326,127,052 -0.06 -7.22
39 0.04454 3,606,803,148 102,512,163 1.03 -0.82
41 0.17721 1,692,061,647 100,269,597 1.73 -9.71
42 0.38061 3,197,564,120 326,959,919 3.77 -9.1
43 8.67 182,639,475 16,870,349 2.94 -3.84
44 1.28 1,933,834,817 93,863,089 -0.61 -7.52
45 28.64 796,236,518 42,985,232 1.63 -7.03
46 0.95116 715,894,553 146,070,747 1.93 -2.23
48 0.69900 1,959,733,875 78,825,344 -0.59 -14.58
49 1.46 1,973,469,704 320,214,520 1.42 -12.02
50 301.09 4,532,088,110 586,050,001 -0.52 -13.11
51 6.22 3,219,562,490 178,059,231 -3.41 -5.59
52 0.99622 743,586,709 4,531,179 0.06 -0.2
53 0.52314 1,279,516,754 188,737,893 0.61 -5.74
54 14.56 1,785,802,468 8,148,653 14.14 29.55
55 0.76215 1,175,901,005 233,719,646 2.03 -4.99
56 1.10 1,126,821,484 53,802,840 2.28 -10.05
57 1202.79 1,070,546,828 94,492,950 3.26 -5.66
58 1.91 1,911,553,432 39,332,929 3.05 -3.24
59 0.44756 869,267,057 104,307,800 1.76 -4.58
60 5.45 861,038,557 48,682,138 2 -6.6
61 1.17 2,041,139,425 65,865,411 1.83 0.73
62 0.15710 758,572,138 227,231,045 2.11 3.65
63 1.00 58,205,080 2,927,573 0.06 -0.14
65 0.0000774 426,146,727 33,100,639 3.99 -7.94
66 0.73370 935,372,463 236,212,191 0.04 -11.45
67 0.03060 1,127,412,776 211,755,005 5.26 -3.94
68 19.09 1,889,055,946 181,297,259 -0.45 -7.71
69 2739.39 556,596,754 24,536,735 -0.46 1.03
70 48.63 963,612,337 73,300,229 -0.91 -5.4
72 0.19510 0 242,687 0.21 -7.47
73 0.63885 996,176,571 50,812,918 -0.66 -7.14
74 0.06976 653,564,179 76,433,971 1.83 -5.81
76 0.10972 1,638,401,148 81,335,046 7.72 -7.41
78 0.01401 179,257,463 24,189,025 -9.81 -0.94
79 0.29980 1,082,939,913 66,130,516 1.87 -6.09
80 0.43741 473,653,887 38,834,686 -0.07 -2.37
81 21.37 212,346,239 31,531,078 2.11 -3.36
82 0.88515 143,601,935 157,198 1.03 -13.95
83 43.10 703,715,886 124,325,226 -1.35 -6.88
84 2.56 223,326,248 27,340,910 -0.71 -11.3
86 0.0000318 630,166,921 51,486,137 0.35 -4.15
87 24.71 2,193,147,591 79,043,639 0.43 17.2
88 0.46637 564,720,297 38,353,502 -0.22 -5.45
90 33.17 402,164,081 73,062,402 1.76 -5.86
91 1.47 946,810,605 21,613,894 6.95 9.41
92 0.16312 303,870,484 26,599,341 1.84 -6.23
93 1.96 567,011,510 77,500,623 0.31 -7.72
94 2.24 223,671,647 61,704,921 2.93 -7.54
95 0.16325 223,129,073 27,698,081 3.35 -2.37
97 0.01879 365,662,388 33,910,751 1.63 -3.69
98 214.43 554,780,473 8,939,180 -0.89 -5.92
99 0.02422 1,383,306,945 16,717,994 0.79 -14.34
100 3.13 306,088,830 23,127,974 -0.78 -12.43
101 1.09 234,097,920 82,274,293 0.84 -3.27
102 0.47185 0 100,033 -5.26 -6.37
103 0.06095 430,539,804 42,654,391 -0.24 -7.6
104 0.15385 277,130,286 30,253,892 1.92 -5.73
105 0.30558 427,367,033 35,965,754 1.17 -8.5
106 0.22449 335,754,827 43,459,949 2.58 -1.08
107 0.18615 403,457,143 47,706,593 -0.22 -4.53
108 3.80 361,072,720 52,260,754 2.05 4.06
109 0.39629 280,363,249 12,684,076 1.33 -1.71
110 18.01 251,421,327 10,295,940 3.45 -6.49
111 0.02304 207,346,196 39,250,643 -3.15 0.29

Brocairean a rèir dùthaich