Zụta / Ree Ethereum (ETH). Brokas maka ahia Ethereum


zụta/ree Ethereum

Zụta / Ree Ethereum (ETH). Brokas maka ahia Ethereum

Ahịa Ethereum (ETH) na cryptocurrencies ndị ọzọ nwere otu n'ime ndị na-ere ahịa kacha mma na elu anyị. Nhọrọ nke onye na-ere ego, ọ bụ naanị ụlọ ọrụ ndị a tụkwasịrị obi nwere ọrụ dị mma

Ethereum (ETH) price chart, [1 week]


Ntinye ego na cryptocurrencies (dịka ọmụmaatụ Ethereum) na-ewu ewu n'oge a. Ọnụ ego Cryptocurrency na-arịwanye elu ma na ọtụtụ mmadụ na-abịa ahịa crypto kwa ụbọchị iji ghara ịhapụ ohere iji nweta ego na ịrị elu ma ọ bụ ọdịda nke ọnụahịa nke cryptocurrencies.

Azụmaahịa Ethereum na cryptocurrencies ndị ọzọ ewu ewu na uru nke leverage na ndị na-ere ahịa kacha mma.

List of all exchanges for ETH trading 

mgbanwe crypto olu 1h, USD olu 1d, USD olu 1m, USD ka weebụsaịtị
KrakenKraken 90,353,992.26 3,194,313,389.4 69,601,180,496.36 meghee
BinanceBinance 502,824,167.29 9,090,068,510.83 188,021,668,265.13 meghee
Coinbase ProCoinbase Pro 78,884,758.77 1,478,102,740.34 22,867,148,390.71 meghee
bitFlyerbitFlyer - - - meghee
BITHUMBBITHUMB 5,513,327.62 194,320,155.65 3,746,650,476.72 meghee
coinonecoinone 1,264,082.99 42,437,435.2 732,535,158.36 meghee
GeminiGemini 2,463,829.41 83,701,125 2,274,562,528.5 meghee
HuobiHuobi - - - meghee
BittrexBittrex 146,814.79 3,073,349,378.36 41,831,266,224,903.31 meghee
Huobi GlobalHuobi Global 1,005,400,507.9 10,817,681,562.41 1,360,101,686,184.9 meghee
OKCoin USDOKCoin USD 4,091.13 176,935.47 291,883,001,246.92 meghee
OKExOKEx 2,380,445,668.47 39,517,338,303.71 1,612,989,626,930.74 meghee
HitBTCHitBTC 19,791,120.51 484,138,429.18 15,830,480,116.63 meghee
BitMEXBitMEX 14,329,036,905,492.24 197,403,901,713,689.7 2,054,120,513,659,246.5 meghee
KucoinKucoin 49,187,724.63 33,734,801,998.95 335,758,426,170.95 meghee
Bitstamp Ltd.Bitstamp Ltd. 10,197,977.42 253,571,571.91 4,223,971,605.89 meghee
BitfinexBitfinex 47,433,631.32 570,925,519.85 12,093,006,594.9 meghee
itBititBit - - - meghee
DeribitDeribit 30,235,002,706.06 337,085,270,147.27 15,634,914,333,459.94 meghee
ZondaZonda 74,353.37 4,367,998.86 53,941,880.4 meghee
UPbit KoreaUPbit Korea 12,981,098.14 623,548,363.3 12,724,526,476.89 meghee
BiboxBibox - - - meghee
CryptopiaCryptopia - - - meghee
coincheckcoincheck - - - meghee
LiquiLiqui - - - meghee
EXMOEXMO 1,300,725.77 34,765,831.99 1,069,026,539.78 meghee
CHBTCCHBTC - - - meghee
JubiJubi - - - meghee
ZaifZaif 183,300.46 13,424,105.7 131,955,350.2 meghee
KorbitKorbit - - - meghee
BTC38BTC38 - - - meghee
BleutradeBleutrade - - - meghee
IndodaxIndodax 61,341.74 1,672,216.47 30,219,455.69 meghee
TidexTidex - - 599,973,579.58 meghee
ACXACX - - - meghee
BitsoBitso 753,339.9 33,762,854.45 738,087,388.92 meghee
LiveCoinLiveCoin - - - meghee
MixCoinsMixCoins - - - meghee
BterBter - - - meghee
Mercado BitcoinMercado Bitcoin 147,200.36 3,306,381.85 49,769,880.25 meghee
CoinnestCoinnest - - - meghee
CEX.IOCEX.IO 108,325.55 3,655,384.99 61,900,913.08 meghee
The Rock Trading LTD.The Rock Trading LTD. - - - meghee
c-cexc-cex - - - meghee
QuadrigaCXQuadrigaCX - - - meghee
BTC Markets Pty Ltd.BTC Markets Pty Ltd. 111,512.67 4,763,262.88 87,629,217.86 meghee
GatecoinGatecoin - - - meghee
AllcoinAllcoin - - - meghee
Coin MateCoin Mate 34,930.03 1,709,950.76 32,490,303.12 meghee
Independent ReserveIndependent Reserve 393,178.93 6,817,605.86 138,472,323.92 meghee
DSXDSX - - - meghee
AbucoinsAbucoins - - - meghee
SouthXchangeSouthXchange 5,259,309.71 33,660,999,752.71 20,971,352,852,389,970 meghee
BTC Trade UABTC Trade UA - - - meghee
Kraken FuturesKraken Futures 2,739,765 48,573,498 790,383,965 meghee
KunaKuna - - - meghee
BraziliexBraziliex - - - meghee
Bit2CBit2C - - - meghee
YUNBIYUNBI - - - meghee
NovaexchangeNovaexchange - - - meghee
TOPBTCTOPBTC - - - meghee
ZBZB - - - meghee
Switcheo NetworkSwitcheo Network - - - meghee
WazirXWazirX 64,463.08 1,644,688.63 33,818,560.43 meghee
SistemkoinSistemkoin - - - meghee
DDEXDDEX - - - meghee
IDCMIDCM - - - meghee
BgogoBgogo - - 12,616.25 meghee
BitsaneBitsane - - - meghee
Satang ProSatang Pro - - - meghee
StrongholdStronghold - - - meghee
BitmaxBitmax 1,944,631,440.37 17,968,911,810.15 9,483,205,430,572,956 meghee
Waves Decentralized ExchangeWaves Decentralized Exchange - - - meghee
TokTokTokTok - - - meghee
55 Global Markets55 Global Markets - - - meghee
BitibuBitibu - - - meghee
CoinFalconCoinFalcon - - - meghee
CoinsquareCoinsquare - - - meghee
GOPAXGOPAX - - - meghee
Heat WalletHeat Wallet - - - meghee
Kyber NetworkKyber Network - - - meghee
GraviexGraviex 109.89 136,767,202,443 403,601,626,471,669,500 meghee
FatBTCFatBTC - - - meghee
bitFlyer LightningbitFlyer Lightning 5,165,206.39 121,225,725.59 2,019,774,576.8 meghee
STEXSTEX - - - meghee
CryptoBridgeCryptoBridge - - - meghee
BitbankBitbank 1,898,792.03 66,204,332.73 1,221,150,150.91 meghee
CoinMexCoinMex - - - meghee
NeraexNeraex - - - meghee
BITKERBITKER - - - meghee
Coins ProCoins Pro - - - meghee
MODIAXMODIAX - - - meghee
DEx.topDEx.top - - - meghee
LXDXLXDX - - - meghee
iCE3XiCE3X - - - meghee
CoinJarCoinJar - - - meghee
DragonEXDragonEX - - - meghee
BudaBuda - - - meghee
EthfinexEthfinex - - - meghee
EXXEXX - - - meghee
LocalTradeLocalTrade 71,004,449.93 1,493,092,412.2 41,020,439,266.05 meghee
CashierestCashierest - - - meghee
BHEXBHEX - - - meghee
TidebitTidebit - 59,250.24 685,357.4 meghee
BigONEBigONE 30,223,741.45 695,329,874.08 31,059,033,373.06 meghee
XS2XS2 - - - meghee
GatehubGatehub - - - meghee
KryptonoKryptono - - - meghee
YunExYunEx - - - meghee
Instant BitexInstant Bitex - - - meghee
CryptalDashCryptalDash - - - meghee
CryptoMarketCryptoMarket - - - meghee
FCoinFCoin - - - meghee
BWBW - - 46,397.76 meghee
GDACGDAC 108,155.8 2,633,610.61 81,860,941.92 meghee
BisqBisq - - - meghee
OceanExOceanEx 1,207,664.52 31,822,959.27 822,310,668.94 meghee
ExtStockExtStock - - - meghee
LykkeLykke 215.76 225,953.23 11,392,005.93 meghee
BitcoinTradeBitcoinTrade - - - meghee
Huobi DMHuobi DM 1,779,467,495.87 23,484,196,110.89 483,887,976,359.2 meghee
C-PatexC-Patex - - - meghee
CryptomateCryptomate - - - meghee
CryptonCrypton - - - meghee
CoinallCoinall - - - meghee
BitkubBitkub 539,105,730.9 42,606,882,685.85 869,936,712,600.01 meghee
ZebpayZebpay - - - meghee
CHAOEXCHAOEX - - - meghee
CoinhubCoinhub - - - meghee
CoinsbitCoinsbit 648,178,048.61 19,936,505,926.9 1,162,185,796,838.48 meghee
ANXProANXPro - - - meghee
BTC-AlphaBTC-Alpha - - - meghee
UEXUEX - - - meghee
Xena ExchangeXena Exchange - - - meghee
LiteBit.euLiteBit.eu - - - meghee
DigiFinexDigiFinex 1,297,889,598.74 35,576,044,616.3 1,263,421,715,269.09 meghee
Cat.ExCat.Ex 305,782.14 7,376,954.94 1,555,197,390.5 meghee
CoinlimCoinlim - - - meghee
LATOKENLATOKEN 1,346,170.31 40,065,522.93 22,467,500,059,962.35 meghee
DcoinDcoin - - - meghee
COSSCOSS - - - meghee
BitinkaBitinka - - - meghee
TokenomyTokenomy - - - meghee
KoinimKoinim - - - meghee
StellarportStellarport - - - meghee
DOBIDOBI - - - meghee
TradeOgreTradeOgre 19,461,201,603.13 466,074,671,818.39 187,165,175,250,258,700,000 meghee
IDAXIDAX - - - meghee
CoinBeneCoinBene - - - meghee
HadaxHadax - - - meghee
SeedCXSeedCX - - - meghee
LBankLBank 1,299,655,579,933.51 46,787,602,132,944.59 2,877,357,285,931,114 meghee
AllbitAllbit - - - meghee
C2CXC2CX - - - meghee
xBTCexBTCe - - - meghee
CoinSpotCoinSpot - - - meghee
CPDAXCPDAX - - - meghee
CoinZestCoinZest - - - meghee
CryptonexCryptonex - - - meghee
CoinPlaceCoinPlace - - - meghee
Binance JerseyBinance Jersey - - - meghee
VebitcoinVebitcoin - - - meghee
BitrabbitBitrabbit - - - meghee
KoineksKoineks - - - meghee
BitMartBitMart - - 49,613,395,428,461,970 meghee
Trade SatoshiTrade Satoshi - - - meghee
CoinTigerCoinTiger - - - meghee
Radar RelayRadar Relay - - - meghee
ExratesExrates - - - meghee
Trade.ioTrade.io - - - meghee
BBXBBX - - - meghee
CoinutCoinut 1,455.03 54,119.04 4,807,534.21 meghee
CoindealCoindeal - - - meghee
CryptologyCryptology 2,954,244.13 49,054,188.01 988,186,833.43 meghee
ABCCABCC - - - meghee
RfinexRfinex - - - meghee
BitbnsBitbns - - - meghee
Bitex.laBitex.la - - - meghee
BCEXBCEX - - - meghee
SIMEXSIMEX - - - meghee
Crex24Crex24 - - - meghee
BitrueBitrue - - - meghee
BitForexBitForex 638,607,939,775.57 13,071,274,584,754.07 569,912,082,923,981.9 meghee
YObitYObit 115,914,238,901.84 3,519,561,319,214.73 7,536,488,398,464.74 meghee
Gate.ioGate.io 26,476,452,860,590,824 649,168,688,929,442,600 19,254,978,731,058,377,000 meghee
BX ThailandBX Thailand - - - meghee
BitlishBitlish - - - meghee
Token StoreToken Store - - - meghee
IndodaxIndodax 136,607.57 10,506,027,800,979,844 1,017,454,926,642,614,100 meghee
Bit-ZBit-Z - - - meghee
ZBGZBG - - - meghee
BilaxyBilaxy - - - meghee
WexNzWexNz - - - meghee

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mkpụrụ ego

Ethereum #2
rank mkpụrụ ego ọnụahịa $ market cap $ volume 24h $ % 24h % 7d
1 104422.18 2,069,333,289,322 49,163,748,587 2.66 1.76
2 3147.23 379,292,051,385 23,570,434,394 1.14 -2.26
3 0.99990 139,392,328,978 95,987,276,493 0.01 0.07
4 673.03 95,894,326,683 1,729,956,250 0.54 -2.4
5 0.99997 52,596,789,317 9,416,356,132 0 0.01
6 3.10 178,948,983,321 6,964,477,495 1.34 -1.24
7 0.95945 33,758,939,680 824,326,765 3.81 -1.03
8 0.33044 48,849,696,664 1,967,631,341 1.21 -6.54
9 0.24271 20,904,579,601 604,635,533 0.22 -3.06
11 0.40030 766,090,338 7,577,102 1.19 -7.91
12 120.42 9,089,002,020 851,406,864 6.21 5.98
13 5.87 9,058,818,279 221,029,911 2.28 -7.43
14 4.89 12,163,112,647 134,195,782 1.08 -6.05
15 1.00 5,366,761,162 197,343,023 0.04 0.02
16 1.00 60,522,364 4,304,312 0.02 0.07
17 104009.50 13,448,508,521 289,028,613 2.46 1.55
18 0.0000184 10,870,374,322 328,859,336 0.46 -7.74
19 33.35 13,730,164,247 401,088,260 3.19 -7.2
21 0.99863 494,839,050 62,125,703 0.07 0.02
22 5.91 2,312,167,401 158,778,066 2.69 -2.79
23 24.03 15,335,795,325 744,217,132 4.39 -2.25
24 11.92 7,157,495,920 397,914,139 5.06 -5.77
25 55.13 3,307,520,829 5,739,641 2.19 1.28
26 227.41 4,194,882,877 70,787,264 2.77 2.32
27 25.95 3,907,342,343 146,286,898 3.03 -3.29
28 0.39911 12,188,333,857 337,226,697 1.01 -5.22
29 424.13 8,407,199,741 277,614,146 2.91 -1.45
30 8.81 4,231,072,739 98,233,438 2.57 -2.52
31 4.60 2,879,766,167 155,723,105 3.11 -6.86
32 1.89 1,693,595,083 170,521,696 6.01 3.27
33 0.31442 12,032,207,017 435,384,933 4.6 -1
34 7.54 4,322,824,540 247,291,595 3.28 -9.51
35 104.28 1,258,942,554 36,267,652 7.15 -5.64
36 0.13034 3,463,232,263 24,440,857 0.73 -5.02
38 4.49 5,285,192,080 206,721,958 2.79 -9.94
39 0.04392 3,556,509,783 75,324,463 2.72 -7.33
41 0.17203 1,642,596,377 73,550,739 2.44 -9.66
42 0.37687 3,166,258,788 156,521,340 3.37 -4.79
43 8.04 169,402,309 13,998,438 3.26 -10.76
44 1.27 1,918,873,760 44,896,797 2.11 -8.28
45 28.60 795,345,807 31,707,658 3.79 -6.09
46 0.93432 703,220,262 97,888,643 5.14 -6.78
48 0.69900 1,959,733,875 78,825,344 -0.59 -14.58
49 1.46 1,968,925,957 199,866,763 4.15 -13.65
50 295.11 4,442,169,738 503,414,865 2.69 -12.2
51 5.60 2,900,915,332 145,096,634 -1.61 -18.93
52 0.99641 741,569,957 3,586,235 0.07 -0.16
53 0.52166 1,275,907,776 148,982,169 4.27 -5.2
54 13.53 1,659,984,849 3,396,618 0.02 18.52
55 0.74626 1,151,698,486 121,306,451 2 -5.33
56 1.08 1,106,622,494 36,054,245 1.62 -7.12
57 1114.64 988,360,211 98,844,195 -1.78 -9.9
58 1.92 1,924,336,452 27,319,847 4.68 -4.43
59 0.43388 842,714,880 84,719,902 2.26 -7.45
60 5.14 813,057,983 59,854,544 0.46 -11.93
61 1.09 1,906,850,657 47,043,530 1.49 -6.63
62 0.15609 753,827,197 64,057,003 7.3 4.23
63 0.99910 57,541,438 2,176,504 0.13 -0.2
65 0.0000762 419,568,661 19,105,800 2.37 -7.06
66 0.72104 919,785,027 188,718,212 5.08 -5.5
67 0.02967 1,093,700,754 165,350,026 4.96 -7.66
68 18.77 1,857,568,126 115,982,697 3.9 -10.13
69 2762.33 559,042,719 16,769,646 -0.08 0.54
70 49.10 973,111,760 53,257,501 2.08 -4.06
72 0.19038 0 241,658 1.2 -8.15
73 0.62563 976,464,387 37,485,957 2.19 -8.04
74 0.06654 623,650,498 56,614,139 2.42 -11.19
76 0.10880 1,624,753,324 61,140,306 0.74 -12.5
78 0.01405 179,889,741 6,248,189 0.49 3.92
79 0.29673 1,071,878,884 43,260,055 5.41 -5.95
80 0.41873 453,421,364 33,838,894 0.36 -11.62
81 20.59 204,920,415 15,207,844 2.31 -7.98
82 0.84023 136,313,688 128,861 4 -16.8
83 43.26 706,314,644 103,767,749 3.38 -8.38
84 2.50 218,760,675 22,885,546 3.29 -8.24
86 0.0000318 630,212,753 36,419,908 2.57 -3.85
87 24.65 2,187,781,319 23,450,542 1.73 9.81
88 0.45792 554,714,403 31,832,226 2.02 -7.44
90 33.15 402,008,047 49,369,540 5.76 -5.78
91 1.43 927,029,057 11,703,392 0.88 6.39
92 0.15736 293,183,109 36,812,937 2.93 -11.25
93 1.97 570,278,493 45,000,545 2.63 -7.8
94 2.23 223,007,261 46,051,085 4.26 -6.41
95 0.16349 223,462,116 16,094,613 3.94 -3.99
97 0.01815 353,230,311 22,565,883 0.32 -7.41
98 208.54 539,545,853 4,423,354 1.2 -7.5
99 0.02423 1,384,586,905 12,868,047 -0.35 -13.08
100 3.00 294,048,120 21,748,419 0.37 -14.78
101 1.03 221,791,646 47,207,057 2.74 -10.13
102 0.43258 0 160,822 1.89 -20.31
103 0.05896 416,532,364 29,348,229 1.23 -10.43
104 0.14786 266,419,874 27,135,255 4.43 -10.13
105 0.30260 423,283,329 25,010,658 1.24 -5.68
106 0.21594 322,967,136 20,856,298 2.61 -5.05
107 0.17910 388,965,270 33,156,650 2.05 -7.34
108 3.76 357,482,250 39,295,761 0.29 0.18
109 0.38728 274,133,152 9,301,808 0.64 -5.87
110 17.00 237,285,698 7,481,580 -0.03 -10.33
111 0.02288 205,953,399 23,232,291 1.36 -2.32

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