ይግዙ / ይሽጡ Polkadot (DOT)። ደላሎች ለግብይት Polkadot


ይግዙ/መሸጥ Polkadot

ይግዙ / ይሽጡ Polkadot (DOT)። ደላሎች ለግብይት Polkadot

በእኛ ንግድ ውስጥ ካሉ ምርጥ የምስጢር ደላላዎች በአንዱ ንግድ Polkadot (DOT) እና ሌሎች ምስጢራዊ ምንዛሬዎች ፡፡ የአንድ ሳንቲም ደላላ ምርጫ ፣ ጥራት ያለው አገልግሎት ያላቸው አስተማማኝ ኩባንያዎች ብቻ አሉ

Polkadot (DOT) price chart, [1 week]


በአሁኑ ጊዜ በሚስጥራዊ ምንዛሬዎች (በተለይም Polkadot) ላይ የሚደረጉ ኢንቨስትመንቶች በጣም ተወዳጅ ናቸው። የ “Cryptocurrency” ዋጋዎች ያለማቋረጥ እያደጉ እና ቁጥራቸው እየጨመረ በሄደባቸው የ Cryptocurrency ዋጋ መነሳት ወይም መውደቅ ላይ ገንዘብ የማግኘት ዕድልን እንዳያመልጥ በየቀኑ ወደ crypto ገበያዎች ይመጣሉ ፡፡

ከምርጥ DOT ደላላዎች ጋር የንግድ Polkadot እና ሌሎች ታዋቂ ምስጢራዊ ምንጮችን ከብድር ጥቅሞች ጋር ፡፡

List of all exchanges for DOT trading 

crypto ልውውጥ ጥራዝ 1h, USD ጥራዝ 1d, USD ጥራዝ 1m, USD ወደ ድርጣቢያ
KrakenKraken 90,353,992.26 3,194,313,389.4 69,601,180,496.36 ክፈት
BinanceBinance 502,824,167.29 9,090,068,510.83 188,021,668,265.13 ክፈት
Coinbase ProCoinbase Pro 78,884,758.77 1,478,102,740.34 22,867,148,390.71 ክፈት
BITHUMBBITHUMB 5,513,327.62 194,320,155.65 3,746,650,476.72 ክፈት
GeminiGemini 2,463,829.41 83,701,125 2,274,562,528.5 ክፈት
HuobiHuobi - - - ክፈት
BittrexBittrex 146,814.79 3,073,349,378.36 41,831,266,224,903.31 ክፈት
Huobi GlobalHuobi Global 1,005,400,507.9 10,817,681,562.41 1,360,101,686,184.9 ክፈት
OKCoin USDOKCoin USD 4,091.13 176,935.47 291,883,001,246.92 ክፈት
OKExOKEx 2,380,445,668.47 39,517,338,303.71 1,612,989,626,930.74 ክፈት
HitBTCHitBTC 19,791,120.51 484,138,429.18 15,830,480,116.63 ክፈት
BitMEXBitMEX 14,329,036,905,492.24 197,403,901,713,689.7 2,054,120,513,659,246.5 ክፈት
KucoinKucoin 49,187,724.63 33,734,801,998.95 335,758,426,170.95 ክፈት
Bitstamp Ltd.Bitstamp Ltd. 10,197,977.42 253,571,571.91 4,223,971,605.89 ክፈት
BitfinexBitfinex 47,433,631.32 570,925,519.85 12,093,006,594.9 ክፈት
DeribitDeribit 30,235,002,706.06 337,085,270,147.27 15,634,914,333,459.94 ክፈት
ZondaZonda 74,353.37 4,367,998.86 53,941,880.4 ክፈት
UPbit KoreaUPbit Korea 12,981,098.14 623,548,363.3 12,724,526,476.89 ክፈት
BiboxBibox - - - ክፈት
CryptopiaCryptopia - - - ክፈት
EXMOEXMO 1,300,725.77 34,765,831.99 1,069,026,539.78 ክፈት
ZaifZaif 183,300.46 13,424,105.7 131,955,350.2 ክፈት
KorbitKorbit - - - ክፈት
TidexTidex - - 599,973,579.58 ክፈት
BitsoBitso 753,339.9 33,762,854.45 738,087,388.92 ክፈት
Mercado BitcoinMercado Bitcoin 147,200.36 3,306,381.85 49,769,880.25 ክፈት
CEX.IOCEX.IO 108,325.55 3,655,384.99 61,900,913.08 ክፈት
The Rock Trading LTD.The Rock Trading LTD. - - - ክፈት
Independent ReserveIndependent Reserve 393,178.93 6,817,605.86 138,472,323.92 ክፈት
Kraken FuturesKraken Futures 2,739,765 48,573,498 790,383,965 ክፈት
ZBZB - - - ክፈት
WazirXWazirX 64,463.08 1,644,688.63 33,818,560.43 ክፈት
BitmaxBitmax 1,944,631,440.37 17,968,911,810.15 9,483,205,430,572,956 ክፈት
TokTokTokTok - - - ክፈት
STEXSTEX - - - ክፈት
CoinJarCoinJar - - - ክፈት
DragonEXDragonEX - - - ክፈት
EXXEXX - - - ክፈት
LocalTradeLocalTrade 71,004,449.93 1,493,092,412.2 41,020,439,266.05 ክፈት
BHEXBHEX - - - ክፈት
BigONEBigONE 30,223,741.45 695,329,874.08 31,059,033,373.06 ክፈት
CryptoMarketCryptoMarket - - - ክፈት
BWBW - - 46,397.76 ክፈት
OceanExOceanEx 1,207,664.52 31,822,959.27 822,310,668.94 ክፈት
LykkeLykke 215.76 225,953.23 11,392,005.93 ክፈት
BitcoinTradeBitcoinTrade - - - ክፈት
Huobi DMHuobi DM 1,779,467,495.87 23,484,196,110.89 483,887,976,359.2 ክፈት
C-PatexC-Patex - - - ክፈት
ZebpayZebpay - - - ክፈት
Xena ExchangeXena Exchange - - - ክፈት
DigiFinexDigiFinex 1,297,889,598.74 35,576,044,616.3 1,263,421,715,269.09 ክፈት
LATOKENLATOKEN 1,346,170.31 40,065,522.93 22,467,500,059,962.35 ክፈት
DcoinDcoin - - - ክፈት
TokenomyTokenomy - - - ክፈት
TradeOgreTradeOgre 19,461,201,603.13 466,074,671,818.39 187,165,175,250,258,700,000 ክፈት
IDAXIDAX - - - ክፈት
CoinBeneCoinBene - - - ክፈት
HadaxHadax - - - ክፈት
LBankLBank 1,299,655,579,933.51 46,787,602,132,944.59 2,877,357,285,931,114 ክፈት
CryptonexCryptonex - - - ክፈት
BitMartBitMart - - 49,613,395,428,461,970 ክፈት
CoinTigerCoinTiger - - - ክፈት
ExratesExrates - - - ክፈት
BBXBBX - - - ክፈት
CryptologyCryptology 2,954,244.13 49,054,188.01 988,186,833.43 ክፈት
ABCCABCC - - - ክፈት
Bitex.laBitex.la - - - ክፈት
Crex24Crex24 - - - ክፈት
BitrueBitrue - - - ክፈት
BitForexBitForex 638,607,939,775.57 13,071,274,584,754.07 569,912,082,923,981.9 ክፈት
Gate.ioGate.io 26,476,452,860,590,824 649,168,688,929,442,600 19,254,978,731,058,377,000 ክፈት
IndodaxIndodax 136,607.57 10,506,027,800,979,844 1,017,454,926,642,614,100 ክፈት
Bit-ZBit-Z - - - ክፈት
ZBGZBG - - - ክፈት
BilaxyBilaxy - - - ክፈት

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Polkadot #13
rank ሳንቲም ዋጋ $ market cap $ volume 24h $ % 24h % 7d
1 97050.26 1,920,171,247,527 90,586,756,870 3.99 7.1
2 3143.93 378,616,181,685 35,198,371,228 0.53 -1.9
3 1.00 130,203,600,146 163,188,052,621 -0.03 0.02
4 613.03 88,283,256,693 2,404,850,314 -0.28 -5.55
5 0.99984 37,859,024,840 12,547,590,654 -0.02 0.01
6 1.12 63,839,131,814 6,979,480,756 2.29 57.68
7 0.78154 27,395,193,217 3,365,287,005 -4.13 34.63
8 0.38586 56,674,855,318 8,562,658,451 -2.1 -3.68
9 0.19875 17,163,646,719 856,741,700 0.17 9.32
11 0.43830 1,023,342,020 16,991,717 1.2 16.93
12 89.91 6,763,202,229 1,110,144,969 4.31 9.09
13 5.69 8,656,447,270 626,466,469 -4.9 11.57
14 5.53 14,080,211,620 424,971,628 1.22 2.01
15 1.00 5,367,286,968 160,924,447 0.05 0.07
16 1.00 68,312,439 11,010,199 -0.07 -0.04
17 96831.82 14,179,534,504 555,093,351 4.15 7.12
18 0.0000241 14,189,785,718 1,142,445,056 -2.07 -7.12
19 34.20 13,991,449,000 827,866,606 -2.01 2.1
21 1.00 495,875,628 57,112,107 0.05 0.64
22 6.18 2,414,462,140 335,579,447 -3.83 18.7
23 14.65 9,182,276,076 793,707,477 -0.14 8.06
24 8.85 5,312,372,406 330,469,993 -3.49 2.01
25 44.15 2,649,195,654 5,638,735 -0.02 -2.19
26 160.39 2,958,640,754 64,071,126 0.67 9.03
27 26.70 3,994,668,561 472,743,891 3.1 18.37
28 0.23903 7,164,390,884 1,682,305,418 2.62 89
29 518.47 10,261,233,385 1,612,479,349 17.03 17.16
30 9.05 4,296,617,087 203,151,380 -1.67 6.67
31 4.50 2,704,956,313 445,066,421 2.32 9.75
32 1.12 1,006,771,386 146,497,272 -4.35 -4.86
33 0.12399 4,673,400,594 1,132,589,068 0.83 102.37
34 11.68 6,225,104,442 1,020,732,364 -6.62 -2.5
35 87.79 1,059,812,464 46,767,045 -0.83 39.52
36 0.17615 4,680,583,354 85,961,725 -2.22 10.23
38 5.51 6,712,802,183 547,192,213 -3.48 3.89
39 0.03203 2,594,007,192 69,906,151 -0.93 21.94
41 0.21555 2,058,232,685 163,017,764 -4.05 18.17
42 0.20832 1,724,037,886 255,112,794 -5.33 38.65
43 9.70 202,901,382 8,873,681 -1.11 -7.87
44 1.93 2,901,684,692 288,718,222 4.36 -1.01
45 30.35 837,097,741 55,631,816 -0.05 1.98
46 1.15 863,570,556 231,249,756 4.08 -1.31
48 0.68293 1,914,673,761 313,729,160 -1.84 -5.32
49 1.71 2,148,837,597 414,583,564 -2.78 2.23
50 159.44 2,388,354,846 271,000,103 -2.83 -8.18
51 7.40 3,832,360,563 1,024,803,594 -9.09 3.81
52 1.00 760,917,237 7,848,900 -0.08 0.01
53 0.33935 812,474,000 127,386,142 -0.6 18.29
54 10.99 1,321,626,123 1,512,007 0.38 1.26
55 0.65145 995,891,429 199,884,034 1.27 17.19
56 1.03 1,045,138,296 228,423,757 0.96 37.36
57 1526.37 1,346,112,756 153,206,968 1.22 2.57
58 1.61 1,610,037,485 57,718,146 -5.44 15.14
59 0.39614 769,397,987 106,696,991 -2.18 17.3
60 5.66 869,210,569 82,947,643 -0.1 3.91
61 1.29 2,158,707,540 94,959,516 -3.04 4.08
62 0.14466 669,688,863 65,210,849 -2.93 -6.63
63 0.99682 65,984,808 5,677,908 -0.24 -0.19
65 0.00011 584,961,136 53,121,888 -0.78 4.25
66 0.36200 447,621,076 237,683,429 -9.35 19.86
67 0.02807 1,005,883,231 201,726,397 -4.59 3.6
68 23.62 2,334,736,762 208,690,539 -3.16 -5.25
69 2674.25 527,324,868 17,730,962 1.4 4.19
70 76.08 1,505,347,494 159,865,331 10.76 17.2
72 0.14522 0 281,321 0.6 20.04
73 0.69141 1,069,067,462 79,724,982 1.01 15.28
74 0.07295 665,471,637 124,756,827 -1.67 9.68
76 0.04214 629,271,714 18,491,635 2.08 38.69
78 0.01369 170,645,140 57,751,532 -7.53 68.3
79 0.17053 599,678,160 24,290,882 -0.83 16.18
80 0.45606 493,850,334 35,704,855 0.72 13.72
81 28.72 282,328,439 20,686,815 0.32 2.69
82 0.46087 74,768,645 2,711,061 -27.24 -17.76
83 43.19 705,249,939 93,356,586 3.51 10.19
84 2.34 198,398,989 19,259,859 -1.68 7.87
86 0.0000484 957,133,675 130,065,571 8.95 12
87 9.75 865,774,320 5,093,693 -0.01 -0.11
88 0.64637 765,570,318 55,065,784 -1.92 -2.76
90 28.79 346,434,904 69,701,584 2.96 10.23
91 1.27 820,043,260 12,168,920 1.81 7.76
92 0.21560 397,580,568 36,563,444 -5.48 -16.05
93 1.89 534,879,977 74,266,779 -0.8 -2.39
94 2.88 287,717,300 129,869,696 -8.57 -1.62
95 0.17328 236,839,964 22,661,319 -2.01 19.46
97 0.01999 383,569,414 37,100,491 -0.99 16.07
98 253.62 656,761,068 5,739,166 -1.54 -1.42
99 0.01999 1,053,548,416 19,492,291 1.06 37.63
100 2.39 230,128,094 52,457,615 -6.46 19.76
101 1.23 270,194,937 38,557,380 -0.26 0.07
102 0.53433 0 369,216 -6.96 -7.55
103 0.07870 555,955,596 63,199,031 -1.83 -2.8
104 0.19272 341,936,892 30,456,685 -0.64 18.72
105 0.32676 417,850,416 58,061,271 -0.74 12.03
106 0.20888 312,420,222 30,601,744 -0.25 10.03
107 0.24376 492,424,891 68,878,582 -1.63 1.33
108 2.92 283,078,730 33,927,867 -1.03 3.46
109 0.52615 365,706,455 20,115,378 -5.22 11.31
110 15.11 210,265,424 7,455,342 1.1 3.61
111 0.02132 191,913,334 31,175,425 -1.69 19.06

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