Hokona / Hokona Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC). Kaihokohoko mo te tauhokohoko Wrapped Bitcoin


hoko/hoko Wrapped Bitcoin

Hokona / Hokona Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC). Kaihokohoko mo te tauhokohoko Wrapped Bitcoin

Tauhokohoko Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) me etahi atu miihini crypto me tetahi o nga kaitautoko crypto pai rawa atu o to runga. Te kowhiri i te kaihokohoko moni, he kamupene pono anake me te kounga o te ratonga

Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) price chart, [1 week]

Wrapped Bitcoin

Ko nga haumi i roto i nga miihini (hei tauira Wrapped Bitcoin) e tino paingia ana i enei ra. Kei te piki haere te tipu o te Cryptocurrency, a, he maha nga taangata e haere mai ana ki nga maakete crypto ia ra kia kore ai e ngaro te whai waahi ki te mahi moni mena ka piki, ka heke ranei te utu mo nga moni crypto.

Tauhokohoko Wrapped Bitcoin me etahi atu o nga miihini whakahirahira rongonui me nga painga o te whai huanga me nga kaihoko pai WBTC.

List of all exchanges for WBTC trading 

whakawhitinga crypto rōrahi 1h, USD rōrahi 1d, USD rōrahi 1m, USD ki te paetukutuku
KrakenKraken 90,353,992.26 3,194,313,389.4 69,601,180,496.36 whakatuwhera
BinanceBinance 502,824,167.29 9,090,068,510.83 188,021,668,265.13 whakatuwhera
Coinbase ProCoinbase Pro 78,884,758.77 1,478,102,740.34 22,867,148,390.71 whakatuwhera
HuobiHuobi - - - whakatuwhera
BittrexBittrex 146,814.79 3,073,349,378.36 41,831,266,224,903.31 whakatuwhera
POLONIEXPOLONIEX - - - whakatuwhera
Huobi GlobalHuobi Global 1,005,400,507.9 10,817,681,562.41 1,360,101,686,184.9 whakatuwhera
OKCoin USDOKCoin USD 4,091.13 176,935.47 291,883,001,246.92 whakatuwhera
OKExOKEx 2,380,445,668.47 39,517,338,303.71 1,612,989,626,930.74 whakatuwhera
HitBTCHitBTC 19,791,120.51 484,138,429.18 15,830,480,116.63 whakatuwhera
KucoinKucoin 49,187,724.63 33,734,801,998.95 335,758,426,170.95 whakatuwhera
Bitstamp Ltd.Bitstamp Ltd. 10,197,977.42 253,571,571.91 4,223,971,605.89 whakatuwhera
BiboxBibox - - - whakatuwhera
KorbitKorbit - - - whakatuwhera
TidexTidex - - 599,973,579.58 whakatuwhera
LiveCoinLiveCoin - - - whakatuwhera
Mercado BitcoinMercado Bitcoin 147,200.36 3,306,381.85 49,769,880.25 whakatuwhera
CEX.IOCEX.IO 108,325.55 3,655,384.99 61,900,913.08 whakatuwhera
SouthXchangeSouthXchange 5,259,309.71 33,660,999,752.71 20,971,352,852,389,970 whakatuwhera
Switcheo NetworkSwitcheo Network - - - whakatuwhera
DDEXDDEX - - - whakatuwhera
BitmaxBitmax 1,944,631,440.37 17,968,911,810.15 9,483,205,430,572,956 whakatuwhera
Kyber NetworkKyber Network - - - whakatuwhera
CoinJarCoinJar - - - whakatuwhera
LocalTradeLocalTrade 71,004,449.93 1,493,092,412.2 41,020,439,266.05 whakatuwhera
MERCATOXMERCATOX - - - whakatuwhera
CoinsbitCoinsbit 648,178,048.61 19,936,505,926.9 1,162,185,796,838.48 whakatuwhera
DigiFinexDigiFinex 1,297,889,598.74 35,576,044,616.3 1,263,421,715,269.09 whakatuwhera
LATOKENLATOKEN 1,346,170.31 40,065,522.93 22,467,500,059,962.35 whakatuwhera
HadaxHadax - - - whakatuwhera
LBankLBank 1,299,655,579,933.51 46,787,602,132,944.59 2,877,357,285,931,114 whakatuwhera
BitMartBitMart - - 49,613,395,428,461,970 whakatuwhera
Radar RelayRadar Relay - - - whakatuwhera
Crex24Crex24 - - - whakatuwhera
BitrueBitrue - - - whakatuwhera
YObitYObit 115,914,238,901.84 3,519,561,319,214.73 7,536,488,398,464.74 whakatuwhera
Gate.ioGate.io 26,476,452,860,590,824 649,168,688,929,442,600 19,254,978,731,058,377,000 whakatuwhera
IndodaxIndodax 136,607.57 10,506,027,800,979,844 1,017,454,926,642,614,100 whakatuwhera
BilaxyBilaxy - - - whakatuwhera

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Wrapped Bitcoin #17
rank moni utu $ market cap $ volume 24h $ % 24h % 7d
1 83135.91 1,649,097,638,124 38,538,607,959 1.43 -10.4
2 1868.11 225,315,819,531 22,089,416,233 -0.61 -19.33
3 0.99983 143,321,166,138 76,453,413,298 0.02 0
4 575.52 81,997,128,045 1,838,642,240 4.35 -5.88
5 0.99980 58,412,415,916 11,887,578,551 -0.01 0
6 2.23 129,698,911,778 5,792,515,471 2.33 -11.54
7 0.72071 25,391,065,119 1,284,479,660 -0.48 -23.62
8 0.16759 24,871,556,737 1,579,438,472 3.17 -22.98
9 0.22343 21,233,565,721 699,428,464 0.3 -9.13
11 0.21460 410,704,531 5,805,558 1.14 -17.28
12 89.40 6,754,687,420 573,919,988 -0.23 -19.06
13 3.94 6,135,624,499 218,621,253 -0.92 -14.97
14 2.69 6,679,053,452 151,581,285 2.15 -12.22
15 0.99988 5,364,729,729 108,887,801 -0.01 -0.02
16 1.00 60,511,077 8,800,126 0.02 -0.04
17 82960.86 10,716,677,338 280,632,702 1.52 -10.23
18 0.0000121 7,158,571,355 238,373,530 1.32 -11.86
19 18.79 7,785,032,379 431,572,065 8.84 -15.78
21 0.99919 495,112,826 59,304,919 0.12 0.12
22 3.81 1,488,251,258 115,272,492 -0.09 -13.8
23 13.17 8,404,340,190 529,435,607 1.67 -23.53
24 5.78 3,469,841,089 177,455,704 -1.67 -24.36
25 41.61 2,496,837,831 2,821,255 1.52 -6.55
26 208.53 3,846,717,596 54,618,723 0.14 -10.71
27 17.72 2,677,251,187 105,340,235 1.36 -14.59
28 0.26482 8,138,550,168 270,046,959 4.4 -12.46
29 339.12 6,728,679,018 384,968,671 1.52 -16.73
30 5.46 2,630,443,206 74,153,771 2.54 -15.07
31 2.75 1,767,480,293 131,659,476 0.86 -13.5
32 0.88421 793,670,837 116,776,560 -1.85 -27.9
33 0.19548 8,252,803,931 532,077,785 -3.93 -22.19
34 5.04 3,037,183,938 187,719,761 -2.17 -19.15
35 75.67 913,518,253 28,642,653 1.54 -13.53
36 0.08236 2,188,397,386 34,750,531 4.07 -2.92
38 2.53 3,015,213,555 216,162,493 4.9 -18.28
39 0.02377 2,043,508,690 66,944,987 1.38 -19.69
41 0.09013 860,567,724 43,463,123 1.68 -20.1
42 0.19227 1,631,532,505 97,617,748 1.42 -25.66
43 5.21 110,235,763 12,847,274 3.55 -15.23
44 0.62219 943,676,752 38,876,759 3.35 -17.89
45 17.98 502,900,607 21,651,717 0.85 -19.7
46 0.50561 380,550,004 52,022,179 3.41 -13.5
48 0.69900 1,959,733,875 78,825,344 -0.59 -14.58
49 0.84531 1,370,003,576 159,729,947 2.52 -18.84
50 170.62 2,574,429,096 386,830,236 -1.06 -28.16
51 2.98 1,540,742,123 98,200,588 2.18 -23.7
52 0.99995 220,485,115 4,972,305 0.15 0.02
53 0.27070 668,465,410 85,319,560 -0.63 -16.53
54 11.00 1,348,374,450 960,335 1.03 -5.63
55 0.49700 771,396,005 84,716,825 3.87 -12.23
56 0.67751 700,692,148 25,867,933 1.57 -15.01
57 1099.67 932,620,619 103,702,773 0.43 -22.34
58 0.86726 867,257,186 26,762,701 1.89 -21.59
59 0.26448 513,686,186 70,608,772 1.75 -10.88
60 3.12 497,729,599 33,918,250 1.66 -15.15
61 0.53105 939,066,441 30,531,883 4.5 -19.1
62 0.07845 393,780,564 66,613,747 2.77 -24.48
63 0.99990 52,105,162 653,680 -0.11 -0.14
65 0.0000611 333,109,463 14,306,996 1.6 -8.19
66 0.39810 516,165,367 123,053,437 -1.55 -11.52
67 0.01620 704,495,554 67,179,453 3.66 -16.42
68 9.39 928,934,535 111,496,917 3.68 -24.95
69 2950.46 620,692,759 46,753,833 0.94 0.63
70 32.88 652,312,932 57,430,419 3.97 -14.34
72 0.10878 0 294,428 3.23 -9.91
73 0.39270 616,379,987 31,913,993 1.67 -15.22
74 0.04287 405,627,603 82,144,498 1.89 -13.35
76 0.06692 1,050,325,809 35,539,391 -2.35 -10.87
78 0.01077 139,036,603 5,649,391 0.37 -8.97
79 0.17793 652,929,230 30,070,852 3.31 -21
80 0.42324 458,310,747 13,279,180 -0.74 -7.36
81 14.09 141,106,467 14,872,644 3.85 -13.74
82 0.47918 77,739,652 223,477 6125920.6 27115426.61
83 30.12 478,549,345 63,324,803 3.99 -18.69
84 1.44 127,078,293 16,189,239 -0.2 -8.96
86 0.0000206 408,747,864 24,865,678 2.62 -14.85
87 20.14 1,729,016,141 24,887,464 2.35 -9.37
88 0.24981 304,742,745 19,987,090 0.95 -18.13
90 21.69 264,149,739 49,462,133 1.45 -14.26
91 1.05 679,713,284 9,515,710 3.06 -10.76
92 0.08044 149,859,346 13,759,369 -0.02 -23.36
93 1.56 448,940,001 52,952,223 3.63 -14.63
94 2.17 216,893,937 35,855,761 -0.25 -2.61
95 0.10268 140,347,306 17,212,313 -0.12 -12.06
97 0.01191 233,996,989 16,250,209 4.14 -10.62
98 120.53 311,906,219 6,522,471 -0.95 -17.25
99 0.01462 891,712,367 8,794,082 -3.95 -17.65
100 1.83 180,838,405 16,243,615 2.92 -20.87
101 0.60250 77,651,471 35,894,137 3.52 -10.4
102 0.21697 0 32,304 3.42 -23.62
103 0.03122 220,552,516 16,745,132 3.62 -16.83
104 0.08967 162,813,294 17,045,132 1.14 -15.94
105 0.19418 267,309,413 21,040,101 -0.1 -18.98
106 0.14574 217,980,877 17,097,617 2.48 -11.68
107 0.10159 227,917,915 32,047,827 0.63 -17.17
108 2.78 264,068,114 17,825,714 0.22 -9.87
109 0.26020 186,205,300 11,272,017 2.65 -12.09
110 12.55 175,117,596 5,542,326 -1.15 -24.94
111 0.01919 172,743,968 35,557,459 -0.82 -4.17

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